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Selon l’Unesco, l’industrie du film est en plein essor : le marché mondial est estimé à $2,25 trillions pour 30
millions d’emplois, alors que l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient ne représente que 3% de ce marché
Selon l’Unesco, la contribution de l’industrie du cinéma dans le PIB en Afrique est de $5 milliards pour 5 millions d’emplois, alors qu’elle a le potentiel de créer 20 millions d’emplois et de générer $20 milliards de revenus annuels
Mme Tsitsi Dangarembga, Directrice d'ICAPA Trust,
est on ne peut plus clair : «L'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes ne peut être servie sans égalité dans les productions culturelles. L'image animée est un domaine de la production culturelle qui a systématiquement effacé les femmes et leur pouvoir d'action. Les femmes en général, les femmes africaines en particulier, sont souvent sous-représentées et mal représentées dans ce média.
Anne Bain, Clichy
« Un bon témoignage peut booster l'image de votre marque. Cliquez pour modifier et ajouter le vôtre. »
Develop or optimize the modeling of your project
Build an efficient culture for your organization
Launch your projects with precision, efficiency and powerful DNA
grow offers economic modeling services for your projects, with in-depth work on your mechanisms and objectives.
grow excels on topics of niche market identification, 'go to market', corporate culture, storytelling and community building.
At your disposal, strategy managers with different profiles, with business, technological, branding and community engineering at your disposal.
Each project is monitored with evaluation tools in the form of applications developed at Grow, based on the experiences of the more than 500 projects on which Grow has been involved.
grow offers economic modeling services for your projects, with in-depth work on your mechanisms and objectives.
grow excels on topics of niche market identification, 'go to market', corporate culture, storytelling and community building.
At your disposal, strategy managers with different profiles, with business, technological, branding and community engineering at your disposal.
Each project is monitored with evaluation tools in the form of applications developed at Grow, based on the experiences of the more than 500 projects on which Grow has been involved.
grow offers economic modeling services for your projects, with in-depth work on your mechanisms and objectives.
grow excels on topics of niche market identification, 'go to market', corporate culture, storytelling and community building.
At your service, strategy managers with different profiles, with business, technological, branding and community engineering at your disposal.
Each project is monitored with evaluation tools in the form of applications developed at Grow, based on the experiences of the more than 500 projects on which Grow has been involved.
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